Here's What's Going On in the Garden

This page will be updated from time to time to let you know what's up in the garden.

Garden Report - Winter 2000

Mel Hulse, Garden Maintenance Director


The garden is now resting while we race against the clock to get the reblooming OGR's pruned. The Chinas, Teas, Portlands and Bourbons are done. We have a good start on the Hybrid Perpetuals. Rugosas are next. Some work has been done on the Hybrid Teas, Austins and Standards. Modern rose pruning lessons are well underway. We host all comers with hands-on lessons on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays starting at 9 a.m. These lessons continue through February 20. 


The replacement of the surface portion of the irrigation system is on hold during pruning time. Since the last report, we have completed the inner two rings of minis and polyanthas. This means that 14 of the 80 total beds are complete. 


We continue monthly trips to Vintage Gardens to care for roses we have stored and started there. Gregg Lowery is selling some surplus imports for us and will give us some of the proceeds. 


On December 10, we planted the first 104 climbers of the 250 that will grace the University of Santa Clara half-mile fence, the "Rose Fence of the New Millennium." We continue to grow more climbers at Vintage Gardens. Climbers in the main garden and the San Jose Municipal Rose Garden fence won't be duplicated, with a couple of exceptions. 


Placement of permanent signage continues at an increased pace, thanks to generous donations by Pat Walker, Sheila Giardina and others.

Volunteer days are now Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday  from 9 - 12.. We can use any amount of
help you can give us. Come see us!

Note. I have been getting a number of email requests to buy roses. We neither sell nor custom propagate our roses. Nurseries that do are found on the links page.

Mel Hulse, January 28, 2000

Address comments to Mel Hulse

Links to past status pages:

Fall 1999 Status

June 1999 Status:

October 1998 Status:

September 1998 Status:

June 1998 Status

May 1998 Status:

April 1998 Status:

March 1998 Status:


This page was last updated on 02/27/06.

Address comments to Mel Hulse